Do You Have A Healthy Body? Most people don’t really know what constitutes a healthy body. Misleadingly, some people think being skinny is healthy, while others believe that as long as they are not obese, they are considered healthy. In truth, there are specific factors to be considered In order for a person to…
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When’s The Right Time to Do Body Toning?
When’s The Right Time to Do Body Toning? Every man desires a perfectly toned body. It takes effort and time to achieve that. It is also difficult to determine the perfect timing to do so. When exactly should you aim for body toning? Find out with this article. Before we discuss timing, let’s talk about…
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Hair Removal for Men: A Growing Trend in Malaysia
Hair Removal for Men: A Growing Trend in Malaysia In some part of the world, being hairy is seen as attractive and masculine. But a growing trend in Malaysia (and some other parts of Asia) is showing a difference in the trend. In this region, going bare is in the air. According to Dr. Chen…
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The Ultimate Men Skin Care Routine
The Ultimate Men Skin Care Routine There is a huge difference between caring for our looks, and obsessing about our looks. Caring for our looks is part of personal grooming, and in that sense, a greater socio-cultural purpose. We care for our looks because it could make us feel better about ourselves and more comfortable…
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