
Your BMI is the key to longevity and great looks

Our body shape represents the state of our health as well as personal image. For men - flabby, stubborn fat are usually accumulated around the tummy area which is harder to shape using conventional slimming methods. Over time, fat accumulation may impact health, causing problems such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, sleeping…
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Tone the tummy and shape your hot body

Many men see their body transform in their mid-twenties and beyond. Protruding tummies. Sagging muscles. Unsightly fatty deposits. These may be caused by unhealthy lifestyles and eating habits as well as aging-related decrease of male testosterone. Although exercise can help to alleviate the unsightly bulge, the best solution is to combine exercise with expert, non-invasive…
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Ask The Expert: What Is The Best Way To Invest In Your Youth?

We have been taught from young to start investing early, so as to reap maximum returns when we are old. While we may need to forgo some of our luxuries to put aside funds for investments, taking a long-term approach with wise and consistent investments can ensure that you have those extra moolahs later on.…
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Why men need this facial therapy

Face up to your true potential Men with healthy skin often look more attractive and feel more manly. More men today are realising the importance of looking good and how this can boost your face value and up their attractiveness factor, whether with women or in opening more doors to opportunities. Other than having a…
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